Label Copy

Label Copy is a document stating the publishing right owner of the release.

All releases delivered to the Stores in Taiwan (KKbox/MyMusic/Line Music) must provide a Label Copy. The Stores will pay the royalties to sub-publishing of writer/composer listed on label copy.

We suggest that you provide the Label Copy of your single/EP/album to ANS Support before the release date. Only the releases with label copy will be live on the platforms.

Template example #


Required field #

  • 着作名称:歌曲名称 = Track name
  • ISRC
  • 演唱人 = Performer
  • 发行名称=Release name
  • 词作者 = Writer/Lyricist
  • 曲作者 = Composer
  • Original Publisher: OP                   
  • Taiwan Sub-Publisher: TW_SP
  • Singapore Sub-Publisher: SG_SP(Optional)
  • Share: The percentage of the sub-publishing right shared between the writer and the composer. Usually writer and composer each owns half of sub-publishing right. 
  • Example 1:
TrackWriterWriter’s OPWriter’s SPShareTotal
April MayJohn CaveJohn CaveWarner Chappel Music50%100%
ComposerComposer’s OPComposer’s SPShare
Emily BluntEmily BluntWarner Chappel Music50%
  • Example 2:
TrackWriterWriter’s OPWriter’s SPShareTotal
April JuneJohn Cave/Maeve WilsonJohn Cave/Maeve WilsonWarner Chappel Music /Universal Music Publishing Group25% | 25%100%
ComposerComposer’s OPComposer’s SPShare
Emily Blunt /Maeve WilsonEmily Blunt/Maeve WilsonWarner Chappel Music / Universal Music Publishing Group25% | 25%

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