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About Video Distribution

ANS is proud to be a provider that works with artists to expand their brand through video. Not only do we focus on Video Distribution, but we can also help create the video content as well. 

We want to help artists and record labels to distribute solid and cutting-edge video content at a price that is as cost affordable as it is easy to use.

Let ANS Distribution do the hard work and deliver your video(s) to the most important video destinations! Upload once, and we’ll deliver it everywhere at once for just $95 per video delivery for the base plan, and an optional $55 to add on the Plus plan. We do not have any annual fees, and your video stays live until you contact us for a transfer or a takedown. You receive 70% of royalties from the monetization of your music videos.

Video distribution is not only limited to ANS clients; we welcome ALL artists and labels who have video distribution needs. You also can choose specific partners for delivery during the video submission process if you do not need a particular platform. We can also deliver back catalog music videos; our video distribution service is not limited to new music video releases.

Who are our video partners? #

BASE Video Platforms

Vevo – Your customizable artist Vevo branded Youtube channel & Vevo app.

Vevo is connecting an ever-growing global audience to high quality music video content. Vevo offers fans worldwide a vast array of premium content to choose from, showcasing official music videos alongside a constantly developing lineup of live performances and innovative original programming. From top superstars to rising new talents, Vevo brings incomparable cross-promotional support to artists across the musical spectrum, at every stage of their careers. Videos distributed to Vevo will be delivered to both an artist Vevo channel on YouTube, as well as the Vevo app on various CTV/OTT devices as outlined here.

Pricing #

You receive 70% of royalties from the monetization of your music videos on platforms that provide it. Aside from this, our rates are:

  • Our package details Click Here
  • $19.95 per video delivery to our BASE video distribution partners, 
  • Re-Uploads after a takedown would be paid at the regular rate.
  • All are paid via PayPal.

Go Live Date – This is a reference to your “Release Date.” The release date is when your video would be shown on VEVO and other providers. 

Takedowns #

To have your ANS Enterprise LLC distributed video taken down, please submit this takedown form HERE.

Stock Footage or Public Domain Videos #

Music videos must contain 100% original material (both audio AND visual). Fair use does not apply to video distribution, where content is monetized.

Our video partners want to see original footage, as many artists use the same footage for their videos as well and therefore it oversaturates the market. All videos we deliver must contain less than 10% stock footage in the entirety of the music video, and that stock footage must only be used to enhance composited shots and not be the primary source of footage in the video. Thus, the main video itself needs to consist of originally shot footage to make the video unique in its genre.

Music videos should also be used to illustrate yourself as an artist and brand, versus using readily available footage that any artist can use.

Other available services #

YouTube Monetization 

Artists and Record Labels are in an ever-evolving and growing music industry. With over 1 billion unique users each month, YouTube has become one of the leading providers for music from around the world. This represents a great opportunity for you, the record label, and the artist to make revenue off YouTube but, more importantly, protect your copyrights! By signing up for this service, you will not only be able to monetize your videos but have a fingerprint created for your audio or visual that will pick up anyone that has used that very same audio or visual in their own productions!

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