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Monthly reporting and payment schedule

In this post, you’ll find the schedule for monthly reporting and payments to keep you updated and aware of when reports are posted. Sometimes, reports can arrive late from partners and, in turn, are added on to the next reporting period.

You can expect a report after a calendar month has passed to cover a month that passed 2 months prior. This happens because it may take up to 60 days for ANS to receive payment and/or even statements, so we’ll need a month in between to ensure payment has been collected before paying everything out to you.

We’ve also included ESTIMATED POSTING DATES to make this easier for you.

Reporting Period – This is the time during which the report will cover. For example, the January report will show all royalties earned during January. 

Estimated Payment Date – This is the estimated date ANS will provide the reported period results and when royalties will be added to your account balance. (For example, the January report will be provided between the dates of April 1st and April 5th.) Please keep in mind these dates may change sooner or later based on partner reporting factors.

Estimated week when “Payment Requests” will be closed – Near the end of each month, we turn off the ability to request payments so that we may reconcile payments and roll unclaimed balances into the next report. This is the estimated week when the ability to request payments will not be available. (For example, payment requests will be available from approximately April 1st through April 23rd.) Please keep in mind these dates may change to be sooner or later based on how business days and holidays fall on the calendar for any given month or year.

Reporting PeriodEstimated Payment DateEstimated Week when Payment Requests will be closedEstimated Date to set splits for PayeesEstimated Date to Invite Payees to Receive Royalties
January ReportApr 1 – Apr 5Apr 24 – Apr 30Mar 25 – Mar 31Mar 18 – Mar 24
February ReportMay 1 – May 5May 24 – May 31Apr 24 – Apr 30Apr 17 – Apr 23
March ReportJun 1 – Jun 5Jun 21 – Jun 30May 24 – May 31May 17 – May 24
April ReportJul 1 – Jul 5Jul 26 – Jul 31Jun 21 – Jun 30Jun 14 – Jun 23
May ReportAug 1 – Aug 5Aug 25 – Aug 31Jul 26 – Jul 31Jul 19 – Jul 24
June ReportSep 1 – Sep 5Sep 24 – Sep 30Aug 25 – Aug 31Aug 18 – Aug 24
July ReportOct 1 – Oct 5Oct 25 – Oct 31Sep 24 – Sep 30Sep 17 – Sep 23
August ReportNov 1 – Nov 5Nov 20 – Nov 30Oct 25 – Oct 31Oct 18 – Oct 24
September ReportDec 1 – Dec 5Dec 18 – Jan 1Nov 20 – Nov 30Nov 13 – Nov 23
October ReportJan 2 – Jan 5Jan 25 – Jan 31Dec 18 – Jan 1Dec 11 – Dec 25
November ReportFeb 1 – Feb 5Feb 22 – Feb 28Jan 25 – Jan 31Jan 18 – Jan 24
December ReportMar 1 – Mar 5Mar 25 – Mar 31Feb 22 – Feb 28Feb 17 – Feb 21

*Pre-order Royalties – Pre-order royalties come out on the date of sale (your general release date), so for a release with a pre-order in January with a general release in February, you would see all of the pre-order royalties on the February report as they will be added on the release date, not the actual date of the pre-order purchase.

We hope this helped! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. 

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